"Those who believe in the Risen One have the courage to go forth and bring to others the Good News of the resurrection.
How many people are waiting for this joyful proclamation!"- Pope Francis, Address to 33rd General Chapter of the Congregation of the Resurrection Tweet
Community News & Events
What Doors Will Open If You Trust the Spirit?
Discerning your vocation means asking: Where is the Holy Spirit leading me to share Christ’s good news?
We have a tradition of celebrating the important days of the Liturgical Year, but also celebrating the events of life: graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, and name’s days.
Word of God Sunday 2025
This Sunday, January 26 is the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, when Catholics celebrate Word of God Sunday. We are encouraged to spend this day learning how #TheBibleSpeaks and how #WeListen.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 19, 2025
How clever of God to connect this first miracle to Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice. Would Mary or any of His disciples, after the Resurrection, look back…
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025
“The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an annual ecumenical celebration. Christians around the world are invited to pray for the unity of all Christians, to reflect on scripture together, to participate in jointly-organized ecumenical services, and to share fellowship.”
Analysis Paralysis?
So, next time you’re stuck with a decision, whether something small or life altering, turn to God in prayer, and “Do whatever he tells you.” …
Welcome to Resurrectionists.ca
"Convinced of God's unconditional love for us, we herald the liberation and salvation of each person and society as a passage from death to life in which every situation of evil and injustice will be overcome."
- Mission Statement of the Congregation of the Resurrection Tweet
Prayer Calendar
"Risen in order to enable others to rise, set free in order to bring freedom to others, born to new life in order to bring new life to birth in everyone who crosses our path: this is your vocation and mission."
- Pope Francis, Address to 33rd General Chapter of the Congregation of the Resurrection Tweet