Mission: Tanzania!

Follow along as Fr. Jim shares his experience on his new assignment for our Resurrectionist mission in Tanzania!

Emmanuel’s Vocation Story

While Fr. Toby Collins, CR was visiting Morogoro, Tanzania, he spent time learning about the many vocation stories of the Resurrectionist priests, brothers and seminarians. Today we hear from Emmanuel. 

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Pedro’s Vocation Story

While Fr. Toby Collins, CR was visiting Morogoro, Tanzania, he spent time learning about the many vocation stories of the Resurrectionist seminarians. Today we hear from Pedro.

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Fr. Toby Collins, CR visits Morogoro – Part 3

In order for Fr. Toby to have the “full experience” in Tanzania, I invited him to the liturgy at Jordan University College when 5 of our theology seminarians received the Ministry of Lector and 2 of our theology seminarians received the Ministry of Acolyte.

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Fr. Toby Collins, CR Visits Morogoro – Part 1

The XXXIV General Chapter of the Congregation of the Resurrection passed a number of action resolutions when we met in Rome in July 2023. One called for the rector of the formation house in Morogoro to ask for one Resurrectionist from around the world to visit the seminary for two weeks each year.

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