Sunday Reflections

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 22, 2024

Reflection by:

Reflection by:

Bob Sproule, Apostle of the Resurrection

This Sunday’s gospel is a stark reminder of the evil in our world and our pre-disposition to sin.  It is often said that only two conditions exist, love and fear.  We choose to live in one or the other.

Jesus knew about the evil within some people’s hearts.  Jesus and his disciples were on a journey through Galilee and yet “he did not wish anyone to know about it”. 

You would think that for some men wanting to kill Him, He must be talking of an armed rebellion against the rulers, not proclaiming love.  This over-the-top reaction to Jesus must be based on a considerable amount of fear.

In this gospel we see further proof of evil, even among the Apostles.  When Jesus asks them what they are arguing about they eventually respond, (we) “had been discussing among themselves…who was the greatest”.  Strong proof that they were focusing inwardly instead of focusing on others.  How often at the end of the day, when we recall significant events, is the focus on ourselves, what we accomplished?  What must we do daily to be “the servant of all”?

The first reading is all about persecution of “the just one”.  “Let us condemn him to a shameful death”.  And again, in the second reading fear is evident, “where jealousy and selfish ambition exist”.  And finally, “You ask but do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend it on your passions”.  Let us pray for God’s wisdom to focus on others, not on ourselves.     

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