34th General Chapter - Part 2

Fr. Jim Donohue.

The General Chapter began with a retreat day and then we assembled in our conference room to listen and to respond to reports from the General Curia, each of the three Provinces—USA, Canada, and Poland—and the South America Region—Bolivia and Brazil.

Our Superior General, Fr. Paul Voisin, C.R., presided over the first part of the General Chapter.
Our translators, Fr. Krzysztof and Fr. Kamil, were always in a good mood despite their difficult job!
Our translators, Fr. Krzysztof and Fr. Kamil, were always in a good mood despite their difficult job!

After the major reports, we formed 4 working groups: Spirituality, Vows, and Formation; Apostolate and Laity; Tanzanian Mission; and Community, Governance, and Finance.

These groups would meet 4 times a day to work through different proposals submitted before the Chapter, to respond to challenges and questions that arose from the general reports, and to make recommendations for the future.

The Spirituality, Vows, and Formation working group was comprised of Fr. Sam (Canadian Province), Fr. Bernard (Former Superior General, Polish Province), Fr. Steve (USA Province, Provincial Superior), Fr. Tom (USA Province), Fr. Andrzej (General Curia, Polish Province), and Fr. Eric Wagner (USA Province).

The Apostolate and Laity working group was comprised of Fr. Krzysztof (Polish Province Provincial Superior), Fr. Paweł (South American Region, Regional Superior), Fr. Jacek (USA Province, General Curia), Fr. Krzysztof (translator), Fr. Delwyn (USA Province), and Fr. Wojciech (Polish Province).

The Community, Governance, and Finance working group was comprised of Fr.  Evandro (South American Region, Vicar General), Fr. Eric (USA Province), Fr. Antonio (South American Region), Fr. Jacek (Polish Province), Fr. Tim Uniac (Canadian Province, Provincial Superior) and Fr. Kamil (translator).

The Tanzania Mission working group was comprised of Fr. Pawel (Canadian Province), Fr. Daniel (Polish Province, Tanzania Mission), Fr. Andrzej (Polish Province, Australia), and Fr. Jim (Canadian Province, Tanzania Mission). Many of the groups needed a translator, but we did not need a translator because my Polish is excellent. We met in Fr. Paul’s airconditioned room!

Fr. Steve (USA Province), Fr. Eric (USA Province), Fr. Wojciech (Polish Province), and Fr. Jim (Canadian Province) formed a 5th working group to compose the final document of the General Chapter: Journeying Together in Hope!

Of course, with all this hard work, we needed time to refuel and refresh with some great Italian cooking!

One of the most important tasks of the General Chapter is to elect a new leadership team that will serve in Rome for the next 6 years. Fr. Paul presided over the elections in the Resurrection chapel. The first frame of the painting in the background depicts our earliest members professing their vows in the Catacombs of Saint Sebastian on Easter Monday, 1842. The second frame depicts our co-founders, Fr. Peter Semenenko, C.R. and Fr. Jerome Kajsiewicz, C.R. presenting the Resurrectionists Constitutions to Pope Pius IX.

In the afternoon of Wednesday, June 28th the Resurrectionist delegates to the 34th General Chapter gathered in the chapel for the election of the new Superior General. We are proud to joyfully announce that our new Superior General is Fr. Evandro Miranda Rosa, C.R. Fr. Evandro is a member of the South American Region, born and raised in Brazil. Most recently, he served as the Vicar General for the last six years in Rome. While serving in this ministry, he completed his doctorate in Sacred Scripture. When someone suggested that HE had made history by being the first person elected Superior General from the South American Region, he responded that WE made history!

After making his Profession of Faith, Fr. Evandro and all the chapter delegates expressed their gratitude to Fr. Paul Voisin, C.R. for his ministry to the entire Congregaion over the last six years as Superior General. He has been especially kind to me in my transition to Tanzania, and he took a particular interest in the Tanzanian Mission, visiting Tanzania four times while in office as Superior General.

By the way, Fr. Paul and I love to tease each other. He is a “worthy opponent,” although I usually “win out” in the end! Most of these photos are from his FACEBOOK page. I did not ask him if I could use them. I know him well enough to know that he is extremely happy that I am using them because I am bringing some order to the chaos of his photo albums. (I am sure I will hear back from Fr. Paul about these truthful statements!)

Now the hard work has begun for Fr. Evandro. First there were many hearty congratulations to receive and then the interviews began!

On Friday, June 30, the Capitulars elected Fr. Robert Rapińczuk, C.R to be the Vicar General. Fr. Robert is a member of the Polish Province and has most recently served as the associate pastor at our Resurrectionist parish in Gdansk, Poland.

Later that same day, the Capitulars elected Fr. Andrzej Gieniusz, C.R. to serve as the first councilor. Fr. Andrzej is a member of the Polish Province and currently teaches Sacred Scripture at the Urbaniana University in Rome, Italy.

On Monday, July 3, the final councilor was elected: Fr. Krzysztof Swół, C.R. Fr. Krzysztof will leave his position as the Provincial Superior of the Polish Province to serve the international community in his new role.

We are grateful to these men for being open to the service of the Congregation of the Resurrection for the next six years. May God bless their ministry as we continue to journey together in HOPE!

The next day, July 1st, was Canada Day and Fr. Tim wanted to surprise everyone with ice cream for the evening. Guess who he assigned to this task???? Mission accomplished!

More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca

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