Sunday Reflections

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 26, 2025

Picture of Reflection by:

Reflection by:

Fr. Jim Donohue, CR

Acceptance or Rejection?

At the beginning of Luke’s Gospel, Zachariah blesses God, who, in the person of Jesus, “has visited His people and redeemed them.” Jesus is the “visitor from on high” and the question throughout the gospel is about who will be hospitable and accept Jesus, and who will be inhospitable and reject Jesus. Only a few weeks ago, we saw that there was no hospitality and welcome for Jesus in Bethlehem; he was born in a stable because there was “no room in the inn.”

In today’s gospel, Jesus, the “visitor from on high,” launches his public ministry by reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. This particular passage looked forward to the great work that the messianic age would bring: sight to the blind, healing to the lame, liberty to captives, and good news to the poor. After reading from this passage, Jesus sits down. As all gaze upon him, he says, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your midst!” In other words, today the Day of the Lord has come…today the promises made to Israel are fulfilled…today the long-awaited Messiah has arrived to bring about God’s salvation.

This is good news! However, as the passage continues—unfortunately not as part of our Sunday gospel—there are different reactions to Jesus. Some undermine the message because Jesus is too familiar: “Is this not the son of Joseph the carpenter?” Some want Jesus to perform a mighty deed right then and there to show his “credentials,” to which Jesus responds: “No prophet is accepted in his own native place.” But, by the end of the passage, some want to kill him by throwing him over the cliff!

Why? Well, Jesus has just told a story about what happened at the time of the prophet Elijah and what happened at the time of the prophet Elisha. In both cases, these prophets worked their miracles for Gentiles. By telling these stories, Jesus has indicated that the Good News that is being fulfilled TODAY is not just for Jews, but also for Gentiles. Everyone who welcomes Jesus will, in turn, be welcomed into God’s gracious hospitality.

This Sunday gives us an opportunity to reflect on the Good News that is available to us today. We are invited to accept and welcome this Good News, knowing that it is for everyone. After all, God’s family is large; it includes everyone.

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