Sunday Reflections
4th Sunday of Easter – April 30, 2023

Reflection by:
Fr. Jim Link, CR
This Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday and the gospel tells us that we are known by God and belong to God. The second reading from John reminds us that we are indeed children of God and that when all is revealed we shall be like God, because we shall see him as he is. But how do we come to know God? By listening to his voice. Psalm 46 says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” The trouble is, the world is full of chaotic noise filling our minds, hearts and spirits with sounds that are difficult to separate and distinguish. Recall the experience of the prophet Ezekiel standing outside the cave praying. The earthquake came, the thunder blasted but when the gentle breeze came, he froze in the face of sheer silence, knowing that God was speaking.
Perhaps sometime this coming week we can find the time to simply ‘be still’ and listen to the sheer silent voice of God’s Spirit reminding of our identity. We belong to God, we are God’s children, God loves us, God died and rose for us, and we are going home to God. This is the gift of Easter that immerses us in deep joy and lasting peace. We can only hope that we are listening to the voice of God calling to us. Alleluia!
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