40th Anniversary Celebration in Morogoro - Part 3

Fr. Jim Donohue.

The presentation of the cake, as well as the cake cutting, and cake distribution is a big part of any celebration in Tanzania. It is hard to know where to cut the cake when there is a photo of you on the cake!

Before I cut the cake, the seminarians put these giant candles on the cake. When they lit the candles, I thought that the cake might “take off!” Notice that Fr. Daniel is standing well out of range!

Now the moment! I think….
I've been given the “all go” sign!
Contact…the Eagle has landed!
But first, more consultations….
Success! I felt the pressure but was able to cut the cake!

The crowd loved it!

Still to come: gifts and hugs and more wonderful things to complete a great day!
Stayed tuned for 40th Celebration Morogoro: Part 4

More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca

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