Do Not Fear, Only Believe!

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for June 30, 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Do Not Fear, Only Believe! 

Jairus, a synagogue leader, approaches Jesus, asking Him to heal his dying daughter.

Recognizing the need for God’s help and grace is the first step in discerning a vocation. Despite the skepticism of others, Jairus shows humility and openness.

Similarly, discernment begins with an honest, humble heart, ready to seek and listen to God’s voice, regardless of societal expectations or personal fears. It is only then that we can hear Jesus say, “Do not fear, only believe!”

“Before someone is accepted into a formation program, the nature of their relationships must be known. How do they view God? What were their relationships with their parents and peers? Such information allows both the candidate and the directors to appreciate the strengths and the weaknesses of the candidate in reference to self image and personal relationships. A particular characteristic of these relationships, to which special attention should be paid in the early stages of evaluation, is the candidate’s ability to trust and to be open with others. Without these basic virtues of trust and openness, a person will not be able to grow in skills and in maturity, except in areas they themselves have selected”.

For more about vocation discernment, contact [email protected]