What Stops You From Fully Trusting God?

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for October 6, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

What Stops You From Fully Trusting God? 

Just as children trust completely in their parents, we are called to rely fully on God when discerning our vocation. This means depending on God’s grace and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every step.
Are you ready to entrust your future entirely to God as you discern your path?

"We regard the Congregation as a mother who care fully guides the development of our consecrated life. With a constant sense of gratitude, we strive to pro mote the welfare of the Congregation by the conscientious fulfillment of our work and by our loyalty to one another, always remaining faithful to the ideals of the Community."

For more about vocation discernment, contact [email protected]