We don’t often think about it, but Advent is the beginning of a New Liturgical Year in the Christian Church. The cycle of readings at our Masses switches from one year to the next (this Advent we begin Year C), and we restart our spiritual year by once again waiting and watching for our Saviour.
At a recent retreat for the Apostles of the Resurrection, Fr. Paul Voisin, CR reminded us that waiting and watching for Jesus is not a passive call, but an active one. We aren’t just supposed to sit back and wait for Christmas, we are called to be vigilant, active watchers, preparing our hearts to welcome our Saviour!  We remember how Mary and Joseph prepared for Jesus’ birth, and we actively prepare for Jesus’ Second Coming, when he will make all things new.
So this Advent New Year, we invite you to make a spiritual Advent New Year’s Resolution, something that you will do this Advent to actively prepare to welcome Jesus into your heart. Perhaps resolve to start your day with a morning prayer, or plan to end your day with an Examen. You could read the daily Mass Gospel every day in Advent, or plan to say the rosary while on your daily walk. If you want to share your resolution to inspire others, please comment on our Instagram, Facebook or X posts, we’d love to hear from you!
May your Advent New Year be blessed with spiritual renewal and joyful preparations for the birth of Hope this Christmas.