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St. John, Apostle and Evangelist

December 27


“May the generous living of these Constitutions encourage all the members of this institute to an ever-deeper commitment to announce and give witness to the Paschal Mystery with the spirit of their Founder, Bogdan Janski, and co-founders, Rev. Frs. Peter Semenenko and Jerome Kajsiewicz.” (Joao Braz Card. De Aviz)



Cl. Ignacy Sztukowski, 1940, Dachau, Germany
Br. Kazimierz Palys, 1950, Radziwillow, Poland
Fr. Walter Galus, 1991, Chicago, USA


  1. For the Church, our Holy Father and for our local ordinary.
  2. For our country and for peace.
  3. That we may be inspired to respond to the call to follow Christ by the example of Saint John.



“The Church is a family of families, constantly enriched by the lives of all those domestic churches.” (Amoris Laetitia, 87)


December 27
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