Another Tire Puncture and a Few Other Events

Fr. Jim Donohue.

Francis Peter Kapanda was completing his summer pastoral work in Butiama, and he came to visit Br. Michael and Gervas Sililo, who was completing his summer pastoral work in Buhemba.

On the way back to Butiama, we had another tire puncture. Oh no!

We—I mean Br. Michael—are experts at this now. We knew what to do and we had replaced the spare from the previous puncture.

When these things happen, you just have to do the best that you can. There is no help on the way!

One of the reasons that Fr. Maciej was in Poland was to celebrate his parents’ 50th anniversary of marriage. The students at the school planned a special message.

The teachers also had a special message of congratulations.

And, of course, the Resurrectionists also sent a message of congratulations!

Our cat (“paka” in Swahili) snuck into the pantry to eat some of the dried small fish.

One of the Carmelite Sisters from Butiama was elected to serve in leadership in Dar es Salaam. So, we had them over for a little celebration. The Carmelite Sisters run a primary boarding school that is on the adjacent property to the parish in Butiama.

I had many questions about a boarding school for primary school children! They have matrons to oversee the children in the dormitories. Even after talking about this for a fair bit of time, I still could not wrap my head around this. It is one of those things that I realize I will probably not understand no matter how much information I get. It did help me to understand how the children could be at Mass no matter what time the Mass was—morning or evening!

Friday, October 14 was the anniversary of death of Julius Nyerere (April 13, 1922-October 14, 1999), “The Father of Tanzania.” His family home and place of burial is across the street from the church in Butiama. We went to Butiama for a special memorial Mass. After Mass we went to the family estate for some food.

The construction of the buildings is unique, as they were built around some enormous boulders and rock formations.

This is the building in which I live…the sun is just rising at 6:00 a.m. It is Saturday morning, and we are each off to a different small Christian community.

More to come on

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