Are You Open to Being Guided by Jesus?

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for February 25, 2nd Sunday of Lent

Are You Open to Being Guided by Jesus?

We do not know why Jesus chose only those three apostles instead of taking all of them. Perhaps, in the shadow of Christ’s impending Passion, this was precisely what Peter, James, and John needed most. Maybe Jesus wanted to provide them with a moment they would always remember when witnessing His crucifixion. Their experience was profound, marked not only by the sight of Christ in His radiant, transfigured state but also by the words they heard. It was a deeply intimate moment, hearing the Father affirm, “You are my beloved Son.”

Knowing we are loved is important, but hearing it is equally crucial. Can you hear God speaking to you: “You are my beloved Son, you are my beloved Daughter”? Are you willing to let Jesus lead you to those places where such profound truth can be felt most deeply?

“We believe that God’s love for us is merciful and unfailing. We have not earned His love. We are nothing, have nothing, and can do nothing without God. We are attracted to evil. We are sinners. Yet, God continues to draw us to Himself.”

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