Br. Mosses and Kizaro-Matongo

Fr. Jim Donohue.

Just before Fr. Daniel left for Morogoro, we had another celebration. It was the name’s day of Br. Mosses, so we invited the men from Butiama to join us in Buhemba for dinner. It was a beautiful afternoon, so we decided to sit outside and enjoy some refreshments before dinner. From left to right: Fr. Yohana, Fr. Philip, Br. Michael, Fr. Daniel, and Br. Mosses.

Fr. Yohana has spearheaded a new venture to help women in the parish to start a baking and catering service. He brought people from Mwanza to teach about 25 of the parish women how to cook and to bake for large numbers. We decided to be one of the first customers for a cake. It looks great and it tasted great!

Br. Mosses name day 2

You can see that everyone is eagerly waiting for the tasting of the cake! We also had a small gift for Br. Mosses.

You can see that we made a small dent in the cake. We intended to give some of the cake to the guys to take back to Butiama, but we forgot. Hmmm!

There were two helpers in the baking of the cake. One is the son of the cook at the school and the other is the son of one of our catechists.

This little guy’s name is: Good Luck Maximillian Marpeh Lukas. Hopefully, he will grow into his name!
This is the other “helper,” the son of one of the catechists, Petro Joseph.

The next day was Sunday. Br. Michael and I were accompanied by several altar servers as we went to the outstation in Kizaro-Matongo (site of the tire puncture a few weeks ago). We parked by the road and hiked up the hill to the church.

The catechist who had served at this outstation was retiring, so there were speeches and a presentation of gifts.

We waited outside for a bit before the food was served. This was our team for the day. These servers were with me from 6:00 a.m. until we finished Mass at our third outstation at 3:00 p.m. They rode in the back of the pickup truck and had to get up before 5:00 a.m. to walk to the church! It is hard for me to imagine this. They really are a good deal of fun, but they also take their altar serving very seriously.

Here is Br. Michael with David and Yohana (standing) and Jackson, Francis, and Felix. While we were waiting, they gave me tips on pronunciation. They told me about their favorite subjects at school. Everyone said that their favorite was either Mathematics or Science.

Brother Michael found a new friend as we waited!

Kizaro-Matongo 7

It is not easy spending all day with me. Brother Michael was exhausted. After a short rest on the motorcycle, it was time for some good food.

It was a long day, and it was now time to travel back to the parish church with the crew!

Kizaro-Matongo 14
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