Buhemba Parish Welcomes Fr. Evandro Part 2

Fr. Jim Donohue.

In the midst of the work, Fr. Evandro and Francesco were able to experience one of the great wonders of Tanzania: the Serengeti! A driver came to pick them up early in the morning and they made a 3-hour drive to the gates of the park. They did not have time to spend the whole day, but they were able to see many of the incredible animals.

I heard the following story from both Fr. Evandro and from Francesco, so we can presume that it is true. Surprisingly, a large male lion approached their vehicle. Instead of remaining silent, Francesco started to call, “Here, kitty-kitty!” Evandro, could not believe this, and in a whisper said, “Do not do that!” But this just made Francesco more determined to attract the big cat’s attention. We know how the story ended…they were both eaten. Well, almost!

He did get mighty close to Fr. Evandro and Francesco! And they lived to tell the tale.

It was time for a quick getaway! Back to work in Buhemba and Butiama.

More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca

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