22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time – September 1, 2024

Perhaps this week we could all pause and examine our relationship to God’s laws and maybe — like the Israelites — give God thanks for loving us so much that we are shown how to be the best we can be.

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 25, 2024

In times of uncertainty, when our faith is tested, as it is sure to be in a changing Church, we must still trust in Christ.  When he seems to ask us, “Will you too go” we must reply, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.”

17th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 28, 2024

Let us pray today to become more like the small boy and say, “Here I am Lord. This is what I have to offer. Show me how you want me to share my gifts. I trust that you will provide everything that I need.”

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 7, 2024

We are reminded that in sharing God‘s Word, we may face rejection from people who are closest to us. Our openness to continued growth with Risen Jesus requires our faith and trust in God’s grace, that it will guide and strengthen us when struggling with such rejection.

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time – June 30, 2024

This Sunday’s gospel tells us the story of Jesus’s performance of two miracles happening in quick succession.  Both are a reminder of the power of faith and where the focus of a miracle should be…