1st Sunday of Lent – February 18, 2024

For many people, Lent is a somber time because of its emphasis on prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.   However, the Preface of Lent 1 suggests that this season includes joy

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time – February 11, 2024

Jesus showed his true humility through His comment to the cured leper, “See that you tell no one anything”.  How typical is it for us, when we have accomplished something, to ask not to be recognized? 

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 28, 2024

In our Baptism we were anointed priest, prophet and king.  Jesus calls us this Sunday to share in his prophetic ministry, in a prophetic Church, which announces and denounces, to bring all to conversion, and to the kingdom of God, celebrating God’s truth and unconditional love.

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – January 21, 2024

This is the experience of each Christian who comes to know the transforming power of God’s love in the face of his or her own unworthiness.  Despite our shortcomings, God is always faithful in love for us. 

3rd Sunday of Advent – December 17, 2023

I once read a self-improvement book that suggested we try this exercise: first, write an obituary for yourself as you imagine it would be written today. Then write it again, as you would like your ideal obituary to read.