Where do you find rest?
Last Sunday, we heard Jesus sent the twelve Apostles, two by two, on their first mission to proclaim repentance, cast out demons, and to heal. In today’s Gospel, they got back together and told Jesus about everything that had happened, and Jesus’ first concern – is that they should rest.
Is One Coat Enough for You?
St. Jerome asks: “Are all commanded not to have two coats, nor food in their possession, money in their purse, only as stuff in the hand and shoes on the feet?
Content with weaknesses?
Following Jesus no matter what your vocation may be, is going to result at some point in the experience of weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.
Do Not Fear, Only Believe!
Discernment begins with an honest, humble heart, ready to seek and listen to God’s voice, regardless of societal expectations or personal fears.
Who then is this?
Our vocation is just like the disciple’s journey in the boat. Jesus has invited you on a journey with Him … How have you come to know who Jesus is through past storms in your life? How about current ones?
Are You Aware of the Seed God Has Planted in Your Heart?
Are you aware of this seed that God has planted in your heart? Are you guarding and cultivating God’s seed of your vocation?
What is discernment?
Genuine “discernment” is not about trying to make God fit into my way of seeing things. It’s about being open to seeing things as God sees them.
What does it mean to receive Christ’s Body and Blood?
When Jesus shared the bread and wine, saying, “This is my Body” and “This is my Blood”, He invited His disciples into a covenant relationship, a deep participation in His life and mission.
What do you think Heaven will be like?
Every genuine experience of Christian community, then, is a little foretaste of Heaven, for which all of us were created, to which all of us are called. What is your place in the Christian community?
Vitalis’ Vocation Story & a Bonus!
While Fr. Toby Collins, CR was visiting Morogoro, Tanzania, he spent time learning about the many vocation stories of the Resurrectionist seminarians. Today we hear from Vitalis.