Looking for a sign?

People often try to look for “signs” when we are trying to discern what God’s will is for our lives.  But we often miss the biggest sign of all – ourselves.

I Abide in You

Jesus does not call us to be someone other than who we truly are.  He knows who we are, because He abides in us, in that deepest place of our identity, of who we are. 

Come & See Day

Join the Resurrectionists for a Come & See experience on May 25, at St. Mary’s Parish.

To What Does God Call?

In other words, in responding to our vocation, we entrust ourselves entirely into the hands of Jesus, our Good Shepherd.

Are You a Credible Witness?

We are all called to proclaim the good news of the forgiveness of sins.  But are we in touch with God’s forgiveness?  Are we credible witnesses of these things?

Set Out

What it means to “set out” is going to look different for each one of us based on what is going on in our life right now and the choices we face.