Celebration for Fr. Daniel Part 1

Fr. Jim Donohue.

The Superior General of the Congregation of the Resurrection is Fr. Paul Voisin, C.R. He is from the same province as I am—the Ontario-Kentucky Province. The Tanzanian Mission falls under his jurisdiction. We have a local superior for the Mission, Fr. Maciej Braun, C.R., but Fr. Paul, with his General Council in Rome, guides and directs the overall Tanzanian Mission.

With the growth of the Tanzanian Mission, we needed to figure out a long-term plan for the formation of our seminarians who are preparing for priesthood and for our brother candidates. The Vatican has also given new directives for formation, including a year of preparation before seminary studies—called the Propaedeutic Year—and a year of pastoral formation before diaconate. After much dialogue and many meetings, Fr. Paul wrote letters to Fr. Andrzej Duda, C.R., Fr. Daniel Hinc, C.R., and to me, outlining our new responsibilities in formation.

Fr. Andrzej Duda has had much experience, both in Poland and in Tanzania, as the Director of Novices. So, beginning in August 2023, he will serve a three-year term as the Director of Novices. While there are still decisions to be made, the novitiate will probably begin next August in Buhemba, where Fr. Andrzej directed the last novitiate in 2019-2020.

Fr. Daniel Hinc has been the pastor of our parish in Butiama for almost ten years. He has been asked to lead this new propaedeutic year. While Fr. Andrzej began working with the new candidates in August 2022—we call them “aspirants”—Fr. Daniel has moved to Morogoro to take responsibility for their formation. He also has a three-year term in this service to the community.

These are the five aspirants: Faustine Makoye, Karoli Kavishe, Alexander Baraka, Joseph Amani, and Paschal Rwigana. They will be aspirants for one year.

These young are among the first people in the world to have started this preparatory year before seminary studies. The focus is on assisting young men to prepare for their seminary training by helping them grow in prayer, the spiritual life and discernment, knowledge of the Church, and in the case of religious, knowledge of the vowed life and the history and spirituality of our religious community. It is also a great opportunity for them to improve their English in preparation for future studies.

Before Fr. Daniel left Butiama for Morogoro, some of the parishioners of his parish hosted a celebration for him. Fr. Yohana was away, but Br. Michael and I were able to attend.

It was a bit of a whirlwind for Fr. Daniel, as he had just returned from a two-month retreat-pilgrimage-vacation in Poland. Now he had to pack for Morogoro, say good-bye to Butiama, and begin a new phase of his priestly ministry.

Below you can see photos of Fr. Daniel with Br. Michael and with Br. Mosses. Fr. Philip, who is the new pastor of the parish, replacing Fr. Daniel, was organizing the food, providing the music, running the sound system, offering hospitality to everyone…in other words, he has begun his duties as a pastor!

The food and drinks were great. There were plenty of speeches and well wishes from old and young. It is clear that Fr. Daniel will be greatly missed.

There will be another celebration for Fr. Daniel in Butiama a little later in the year, with a parish liturgy and celebration. I plan to be there!

As for me, after finishing my time in Buhemba—a time that has not been determined yet—I will move to Morogoro to work with Fr. Andrzej, as he helps me in the transition to become the rector of the professed students. I have a three-year appointment for this ministry from Fr. Paul. Right now, there are ten professed students. There are also, besides the five aspirants, six other students who will go on novitiate in the next year or two. After the novitiate, they will return to Morogoro as professed students.

More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca

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