Christmas in Butiama & Buhemba - 5

Tarani Outstation Christmas Mass & Baptism

Fr. Jim Donohue.

After Christmas Eve Mass, we gathered in the Novitiate for a little Christmas celebration, complete with apple juice and cookies. Karoli, Joseph, Paschal, and Valentino provide some music…Livinus is out of range, playing the drums.

I was tired and needed to get to sleep for the next day’s liturgies. First stop was the outstation at Tarani where I would baptize a newly born girl of two weeks! It was a beautiful morning, and the choir was ready with “yours truly” bringing up the rear!

Any bodily similarities between me and St. Francis are purely coincidental!

Leonsi was my right-hand-man, helping me baptize Consolata.

Claiming the child for Christ!
Baptizing with water in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Anointing with the oil of catechumens.
Anointing with the chrism oil so that Consolata will share in the three-fold ministry of Christ as priest, prophet, and king.
Clothing with the white garment as a new creation in Christ.
Receiving the light of Christ so that her light can shine brightly in the world.
Presenting the child to the assembly.

Distribution of Holy Communion.

Leonsi wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

After the solemn Christmas blessing, we were off to two more outstations. With the baptism, we were late, and now we were in a real hurry!

More to come on

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