Christmas in Buhemba: Preparations Part 2

Fr. Jim Donohue.

Brother Michael is the chief engineer for the Christmas decorations in the church. He was working all week. I would peek in once in a while to see what was happening. Br. Michael had several senior altar servers helping him.

I quickly realized that this was quite the enterprise, and it required some dedicated know-how and hard work. Meanwhile, when people were working in the church…

…someone went missing. You can see evidence of a missing person from the dust.

Fr. Paul Voisin, our Superior General, was visiting. He offered some advice. People listened and then carried on with their work. Sorry, Fr. Paul!

Br. Michael’s main helpers were: Charles, Augustino, Robert, and David.

Meanwhile, we started an investigation into “the missing baby Jesus.” One of the first people to be interviewed was a wise man. He said (in Swahili), “I saw nothing!”

We thought that the sheep might have seen something, but he seemed put off and said (in Swahili), “I also saw nothing!”

The church decorations were looking good. We had Mass together on Thursday before Fr. Paul left with Fr. Andrzej for Morogoro, and Fr. Maciej left for surgery in Germany.

Meanwhile, Joseph and Mary were starting to get concerned. They were wondering if this was the “lost in the Temple story” all over again.

While the search continued, Br. Michael finished his masterpiece!

Fr. Paul became very concerned about the missing child. He put his boots on and started a search outside.

The good news is that we think we found the missing child…just in time for Christmas!

To be continued…Christmas in Buhemba!

More to come on

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