Do you confess your faith out of love or out of fear?

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for January 28, 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Do you confess your faith out of love or out of fear? 

Why did Christ silence the unclean spirit when it was revealing His true identity? St. Athanasius explains that Jesus silenced the demons because He did not wish the truth to proceed from an unclean mouth. What about Peter, who was not perfect, but still, when he confessed, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” he was praised by Christ and even called blessed? St. Augustine explains that although both said almost the same things, “Peter spoke in love, but the demon in fear. Only the faith that works by love is faith”. Sharing our faith goes beyond mere knowledge or theology. It is possible to possess extensive knowledge, yet only through love can our faith touch others’ hearts. You may feel inadequate, unqualified, or even “unclean” to answer God’s call. Remember, it’s not about knowing, but about loving; love is the key. Isn’t it also the key to understanding what it means to “speak with authority”?

“As Resurrectionists we will strive to witness to this transforming power of God’s love, not only in our own personal lives, but also in community life. We will allow this love to overcome the fears and heal the wounds that keep us isolated from one another so that we can become a true community of disciples united in mind and heart”

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