Do you let Jesus illuminate your path?

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for March 10, 4th Sunday of Lent

Do you let Jesus illuminate your path? 

Today’s Gospel captures the essence of the Good News. It highlights God’s unconditional love for humanity, for you, and the promise of eternal life for all who believe in the life brought by Jesus. It talks about the Light that breaks through our darkest nights.

God desires our happiness. Reflect for a moment on the nature of this happiness that God prepares for you. Are you open to letting God illuminate every corner of your life where shadows linger, with His careful and gentle light, guiding you towards this happiness? Or do you perhaps sense a calling to spread this message of hope to others?

“God loves each of us with a personal, unconditional love. His plan of salvation for each of us is fully revealed in the Paschal Mystery – the suffering, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus and the sending of the Holy Spirit. It is in the Paschal Mystery that we are reconciled to the Father, united in the one body of Christ and enlivened with the life of the Spirit.”

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