Feast of St. Francis of Assisi

October 4th is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of one of the Resurrectionist Parishes in Kitchener, Ontario. 
We invite you to learn more about this vibrant parish!  Visit them on a Sunday morning or Saturday evening for Mass and experience the welcoming pastoral team, led by Fr. Paul Voisin, CR.  Meet the diverse parishioners, some of whom were there when the church was built over 60 years ago, and some who have just moved to Canada recently.  Consider joining the environmental group (Laudato Si’) or enrolling your child in their Good Shepherd initiative.  
St. Francis of Assisi was a mystic who believed in preached the Gospel at all times, and when necessary using words.  This parish strives to live the Gospel every day, and invites you to do the same.