Before we left Morogoro, Fr. Evandro and Francesco had time to visit the market with Fr. Daniel.
Fr. Evandro, Francesco, and I needed to leave for Dar es Salaam on Friday, February 9 because our flight to Mwanza was early in the morning on Saturday, February 10. Fr. Daniel, our trusty driver, took us to Dar es Salaam and returned the next day.
It is about a 4-hour drive between Morogoro and Dar es Salaam. It is difficult to describe except to say that the roads are not great, there are speed bumps everywhere—sometimes with a posted warning sign, and sometimes with no warning sign—and the traffic is heavy with trucks and buses. Dar es Salaam is a huge port and all the trucks that are moving goods north to Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda, must use this road. Because the traffic is heavy, people are always trying to pass one another. At times, a bus or a truck is coming right at you in YOUR side of the road, and you have to move over to the side or even stop to avoid an accident. The buses are the worst. It is almost like a game of “chicken” for them to see if you will move over as they bear down on you on YOUR side of the road.
We had a few parting photos!

Here, Fr. Evandro poses with the perpetually and temporarily professed seminarians: Joseph, Gervas, Emmanuel, Peter, Selestine, Vitalis, Brayan, Francis, and Br. Michael.

After a night in Dar es Salaam, Daniel would return to Morogoro, while Fr. Evandro, Francesco, and I would fly to Mwanza, where we will be met by Fr. Duda.

More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca
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