Today the Congregation of the Resurrection begins their 34th General Chapter. This is a gathering of representatives from all Provinces and Regions of the Congregation which happens every six years in Rome. The purpose is to share experiences, address concerns and plan for the future of the Congregation. The gathering will last until July 6.
The delegation from our Canadian Province consists of our Provincial Superior, Fr. Tim Uniac, CR, delegates Fr. Sam Restivo, CR, Fr. Pawel Szymanowski, CR and Fr. Jim Donohue, CR, as well as Fr. Krzysztof Szkubera, CR who will be one of the English-Polish translators, and Fr. Raphael Ma, CR who will be one of the secretaries for the meetings. Fr. Paul Voisin, CR, of the Canadian Province, is also part of Chapter as he is currently the Superior General of the Congregation.
Please keep our delegation and all the Resurrectionists gathered for this important Chapter in your prayers. We invite you to pray the official Chapter prayer over the next few weeks, in solidarity with those gathered in Rome and those who support them all over the world.
Risen Lord Jesus,
send your Spirit upon the delegates of the
Thirty-Fourth General Chapter
of the Brothers of the Resurrection,
as we journey together in hope.
Grant them the gifts of wisdom and understanding,
the gifts of counsel and fortitude,
the gifts of knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord;
so that they might know what is the will of God
and what is the Resurrectionist vocation,
charism, common life and mission
for this day and age.
Grant, Lord Jesus, that the delegates,
filled with HOPE, by the grace of the Holy Spirit,
may desire to do everything for God’s glory,
for our resurrection and the resurrection of society,
and for the growth of the Congregation.