The 34th General Chapter of the Congregation of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ began on Tuesday, June 20, 2023 in Rome, Italy. The theme of the Chapter is “Journeying Together in Hope!”

There are 4 delegates from each of the Polish Province, The United States of America Province, and the Canadian Province. There are 2 delegates from the South American Region (Bolivia and Brazil). There are 4 delegates from the General Leadership group in Rome, and 1 delegate from the Religious Houses that are under the jurisdiction of the General Leadership group (Italy and Tanzania). The former Superior General is also a delegate, making a total of 20 delegates. There are also 2 translators and 4 secretaries that help make the Chapter run smoothly.
The delegates from the Canadian Province are the Provincial Superior, Fr. Tim Uniac, C.R., Fr. Sam Restivo, C.R. (St Mary’s Hospital Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care in Kitchener), Fr. James Donohue, C.R. (Rector and Superior of the Tanzanian Mission in Morogoro), and Fr. Paul Szymanowski, C.R. (Resurrectionist Archivist and Graduate Studies in Rome). The Canadian Province also sent Fr. Raphael Ma, C.R. (Vocation Animator and Communications Director in Kitchener-Waterloo) as a secretary and Fr. Chris Szkubera, C.R. (Pastor of Sacred Heart Parish in Kitchener) as a translator. Fr. Paul Voisin, C.R. is present as our current Superior General.

The main work of the General Chapter, which is held every six years, is to review the life and ministry of the international community since the last Chapter, and to plan for the next six years. An important part of the future planning is to elect a new Superior General and 3 Councilors to serve the international community in Rome. To review the past six years, various reports from the General Leadership group, each Province and the South American Region are made available for review and discussion. To plan for the next six years, working groups are established to make plans in the areas of spirituality and community, finances, mission, and general government.
The meetings at the General Chapter are permeated with prayer and the Eucharist each day. Common meals at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and social times provide many opportunities for the delegates to reacquaint themselves with old friends and to make new friends.

Here is a tidbit of interesting information. The 3 oldest delegates are all from the Canadian Province: Fr. Sam Restivo, Fr. Paul Voisin, and Fr. James Donohue. None of these men know how this happened!!!!