He Will Guide You Into all the Truth

A Resurrectionist Vocation Minute for May 19, Pentecost Sunday

He Will Guide You Into all the Truth

Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth, guide my heart as I seek my vocation.
Illuminate my path, grant me clarity, and fill me with courage.
Help me recognize and use my gifts in service to God’s will.
Lead me to the path You have prepared, and give me the faith to follow.
Join us for the Come and See discernment day on May 25th!

“The work of the Holy Spirit is evident in these overwhelming manifestations of God’s love and goodness. In response to His call, we have freely chosen to enter the Congregation of the Resurrection. In the Congregation, through the profession of vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, we propose to deepen our baptismal covenant by a life-long commitment to the love and service of our Risen Savior. The eternal “alleluia” of the Church’s Paschal season sums up our constant effort to praise the Lord”

For more about vocation discernment, contact [email protected]