Home Sweet Home

Fr. Jim Donohue.

My suite of rooms that I have in the Buhemba parish is in the building that usually houses the novitiate. Previous inhabitants were Fr. Andrzej and Br. Michael. In the bedroom, you can notice the “mosquito preventions”: mosquito netting and electric “tennis” mosquito killer! So far, there have been few casualties.

I have plenty of cupboard space for clothes and other things that I brought with me.

The bathroom has a shower, toilet and sink…all that you need. The water pressure is great and there is a switch to turn on in order to heat the water for a shower.

Hey, who is that guy in the mirror, taking the photo?????

I also have a sitting room with a desk, more bookshelves and some chairs for reading and relaxing. All the comforts of home.

It has been about 30-33 degrees Celsius every day since I have been here. There is a nice breeze in the house, so I have not felt too hot. It gets a bit cooler during the night, but even so, I have not used a blanket so far.

It takes a bit to get used to the sounds. The windows are open, and we live in a very rural area. During the night you hear dogs barking and a nearby donkey who does not seem to sleep. During the day, you hear the sounds of chickens and roosters, cows, sheep and goats, various birds, and motorcycles. There is also a church bell that rings every 15 minutes. Besides the roosters, early in the morning you hear the Muslim cry to prayer and various people honking to pick up friends for work or school.

Mario and Gervas “hanging out” outside the building where my rooms are located.

Fr. Yohana took Fr. Andrzej and me to the location of the new secondary school. Fr. Maciej was asked to build the school by the parents of the children in the parish primary school. They raised money to buy the land. You can see the markers for the new secondary school project.

It is amazing all that Fr. Maciej has done here in his time in Buhemba. He has been responsible for building the church, the elementary school, a recording studio, a coffee bar, and new dormitories for students who are studying for their national exams. There are also seven outstations in the parish, each with a small church-structure and a catechist. Simply amazing!

More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca

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