Meet the Two Brother Candidates

The last blog introduced you to our ten new aspirants. The Congregation of the Resurrection is a community of religious men, some of whom are called to be priests, some to be brothers, and some to the permanent deaconate. The ten aspirants we met in the last blog are all candidates for priesthood.

Brother Mosses
Brother Michael

Right now, in Tanzania, we have one brother, Br. Mosses, who is a perpetually professed member of the community. Br. Mosses works in pastoral ministry in the Butiama Parish. We have another brother, Br. Michael, who is under temporary vows. Br. Michael is completing his secondary school education in Morogoro.

When we receive a brother candidate, we have him live with us in Morogoro for a few months before participating in a two-year program in the Komunge Catechetical Training Center, in the Diocese of Musoma (where our two parishes are located). There, he is trained to become a catechist. Since the catechetical school year runs from January to December, we will usually send the one who has graduated to one of our parishes for about 6 months before he will return to Morogoro as an aspirant. If this year as an aspirant is successful, he would move on to novitiate for one year.


At present, we have two young men who are in the beginning stages of this process. Batazari Nikolaus Kaboga is 23 years old and has finished his first year of studies at the catechetical school. Batazari is with us in Morogoro right now on his end-of -the-year break. He will go on vacation this week and then return to the catechetical school on January 10, 2025. Here, he has returned with me from purchasing chickens for the week. We usually buy 36 chickens each week.

The other brother candidate is Fulgence Mashiku Mgeng’ha. Fulgence has been with us in Morogoro since the middle of September. He will go on vacation next week and start his first year in the catechetical school on January 10, 2025.

You can tell by their smiles that they are fun to be with. They saw the last blog and noticed that they were not in the blog. I explained that they were not aspirants. I told them that I would make another blog with them. That got them excited, and we decided to take photos that show “how much harder the brothers work!” Here goes!

At the beginning of each day, Batazari and Fulgence try to bring me up to speed on the latest theological updates. I try to absorb as much as possible.

Of course, I am a slow learner, so they exercise great patience with me. They have found that I learn best when they “tag-team” their teaching. One problem is that most of their teaching is in Swahili, but they make up for this with many gestures and facial expressions!

After a short break, they are off to chop wood. These are not regular trees, but the trunks that have grown beneath the surface.

They told me that it was hard for them, but they had to admit that chopping these trunks were much easier than trying to teach me about theology!

Next up, they needed to prepare lunch for the thirty people living in our house!

Pendo and Maria told me that they are like professional chefs, and they try to learn as much as they can from Fulgence and Batazari!

Of course, in the midst of their busy routines, they are faithful to their prayer times in the chapel.

Then, it is back to work, planting new grass in the area outside the chapel.

Batazari and Fulgence were good sports doing this. We had some good laughs, especially with their chance to lecture me about theology!

We hope that they have a good vacation, and we wish them well in Komunge.

More to come on

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