National Family & Life Week (NFLW), May 7-14, 2023, is an invitation from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops to the faithful in Canada to celebrate the joy and beauty of family and life by seeking out new and creative ways to live out this call in our daily lives. The NFLW theme is Jesus’ words, “Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). Love is at the heart of familial relationships and our families are a communion of love in Christ. We are “guardians of life” when we love one another within our families, as well as in wider society when we show kindness toward and care for the vulnerable and marginalized.

We invite you and your family to explore the daily prayer intentions and activities for the family (click the button below) and follow us on social media for daily posts about saints who exemplify the importance of family and life!

To love one another is to see the face of Christ in every person, beginning with our families.
To love one another recognizes a person’s inestimable dignity and worth.
To love one another is our shared need for unfailing tenderness, kindness, compassion and care.