Fr. Maciej Braun, C.R. had served the maximum length of time—nine years—as Superior of the Tanzanian Mission in East Africa. After a consultation, our Superior General, Fr. Paul Voisin, C.R. and his Council appointed me as the new Superior for a three-year term. I was installed by Fr. Paul on December 21, 2022, in Buhemba.

In the early evening we gathered in the rectory chapel for the installation. Fr. Paul read a section from the Constitutions of the Congregation of the Resurrection reminding those present that “the strength of the Congregation is dependent upon the intensity of the spiritual life and the fruitful apostolic life of each local community.”
He urged each of us to grow in faith as we share Christian values, celebrate the Eucharist, and pray together; to grow in hope as we share one another’s sorrows and joys, and encourage and support one another; and to grow in love as we make efforts to bring the care, compassion and forgiveness of Christ to one another.
I am not sure who looks more serious…Fr. Paul or me. (I think I do!)
After the ceremony, all present signed the document, witnessing the installation. I will be the Superior of the Peter Semenenko House for the next three years.

Did someone say that this “job” was hard??????

Currently, there are nine perpetually professed Resurrectionists in Tanzania (six priests, one brother, and two scholastics). Altogether there are sixteen seminarians and five aspirants at the Formation House in Morogoro. We also have two brothers doing catechetical training.

Maybe we have a future superior of the African Mission close at hand. These two altar servers are brothers.

More to come on www.resurrectionists.ca
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