Sunday Reflections
Pentecost Sunday
Sunday, June 5, 2022

Reflection by:
Father Paul Voisin
In our Baptism, and again in our Confirmation, we have received the gift of the Holy Spirit. This is not only to be a source of sanctification for us, but to empower us to share our life in Christ with others. Like the disciples, we too are “sent”. This sense of mission should enliven us to fulfil this mandate of Jesus. For this mission God gives us a multitude of grace and blessings, gifts and charisms, to share. The multitude of languages that the Spirit bestowed upon the disciples was only one of the gifts. The Spirit would also be revealed in healing, prophecy, wisdom and knowledge, discernment of spirits, and the interpretation of the tongues. That same Spirit still stirs in us today, and wishes to manifest itself as dramatically as it did on the day of Pentecost, to bring the life of Christ to others. This is our mission, and today we renew our commitment to that mandate of the risen Lord.