Perpetual Vows of Vitalis & Joseph: Part II

Fr. Jim Donohue.

The perpetual vow ceremony was about to begin. Fr. Andrzej and Fr. Yohana were making sure that everything was in order.

Joseph’s brother and sister were present to be with their brother on his big day.
Vitalis’ parents were able to be present to celebrate with their son on his big day.

The procession is led by the choir members who danced and sang their way into the church.

The liturgy begins with Fr. Maciej presiding, with Fr. Paul at his side.

Vitalis and Joseph come forward to profess their perpetual vows.

During the Litany of Saints, we pray that Vitalis and Joseph will be strengthened in their commitment to the Risen Lord in the Congregation of the Resurrection.

Vitalis is a candidate for ordination to the priesthood. As a religious, he is called to this ministry by the Congregation of the Resurrection. In order for this to happen, Vitalis must be fully committed to the community. Hence, he must be under final or perpetual vows before he can be ordained to the transitional deaconate and priesthood.

Vitalis has begun his second year of theological studies. He will have two more years of theological studies after this year, as well as a pastoral year before ordination.

Vitalis professes his perpetual profession of poverty, chastity and obedience in the Congregation of the Resurrection. Fr. Paul witnesses his profession of vows.

Like Vitalis, Joseph is a candidate for ordination to the priesthood. As a religious, he is called to this ministry by the Congregation of the Resurrection. In order for this to happen, Joseph must be fully committed to the community. Hence, he must be under final or perpetual vows before he can be ordained to the transitional deaconate and priesthood.

Joseph has begun his first year of theological studies. He will have three more years of theological studies after this year, as well as a pastoral year before ordination.

Joseph professes his perpetual profession of poverty, chastity and obedience in the Congregation of the Resurrection. Fr. Paul witnesses his profession of vows.

After their profession of vows, Vitalis and Joseph were each presented with a cross as a symbol of their willingness to share in the paschal mystery of the dying and rising of Christ. They were also presented with a candle as a symbol of their willingness to grow in virtue in order to reach the unending light of God.

Vitalis and Joseph were congratulated by their many family, friends and guests.

In order to end the ceremony and continue the celebration, someone must take charge…thank you Fr. Maciej!

To be continued with the celebrations that followed….

More to come on

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