Perpetual Vows of Vitalis & Joseph: Part III

Fr. Jim Donohue.

We returned to the formation house after the vows. It was a beautiful day, with no rain. However, I had forgotten how hot it is in Morogoro! Right now, I am living further north and at a higher altitude, so it is not quite as hot.

People started to gather for fun and fellowship and food.

Of course, everyone wanted to pose with the newly perpetually professed members. 

Fr. Andrzej has been their formator for many years. Well done, Fr. Andrzej!
Fr. Paul, as Superior General, approved Vitalis and Joseph for their perpetual vows.
Fr. Maciej has been the local superior of the mission throughout Joseph and Vitalis’ whole time in the Resurrectionist community in Tanzania.
I was the rector of Joseph and Vitalis for one year in 2019-2020.

Brother Mosses was not able to be in Morogoro for the vow ceremony. Brother Mosses professed his perpetual vows earlier in the year. That means that all the seminarians that I was with in 2019-2020 are now perpetually professed religious: Br. Mosses Katikiro, C.R., Joseph Chacha, C.R., Fr. Philip Justinian Makondo, C.R., Vitalis Masika, C.R., and Fr. Yohana Michael Kachwele, C.R.

They are pictured above with Fr. Maciej Braun, C.R., the local superior of our Tanzania mission for the last nine years.

Fr. Philip is the pastor of our parish in Butiama, while Fr. Yohana is the associate pastor ministering with his pastor, Fr. Maciej, in our parish in Buhemba. I live and minister with Fr. Yohana and Fr. Maciej at the parish in Buhemba: St. John Paul II Parish.

We were also celebrating 20 years of our Resurrection Mission in Tanzania. Our new residence building for the seminarians was dedicated on this day by Fr. Paul and me. The building is named after our founder, Bogdan Janski.

We blessed the new building and then Fr. Paul and I cut the ceremonial ribbon.

Next, we unveiled the plaque that sits outside the front door, dedicating the building to our Founder, Bogdan Janski.

Fr. Paul and Fr. Yohana point to the dedication plaque and the new painting.

Then, I went throughout the building, blessing each room, as well as the outside. Fr. Paul was wondering if I were auditioning to be the next pope!

All in all, it was a great celebration of our 20 year anniversary and the construction of the new building, which has a suite for a rector or guest, as well as 6 other rooms for 12 seminarians.

To be continued with more of the celebration that followed….

More to come on

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