Perpetual Vows of Vitalis & Joseph: Part IV

Fr. Jim Donohue.

Gervas, who is near the end of his philosophy studies, had organized some entertainment for our guests. There was music, skits, dancing, and singing.

Fr. Paul and I were able to grab a seat and relax for a bit after the liturgy and the dedication of the new building.

Even at this point, I realized that we would have to leave at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. the next morning in order to get back to the parishes on Friday evening. Fr. Maciej and I had a baptism and a wedding on Saturday morning, and I still needed to work on practicing the prayers and my homily in Swahili for Sunday. I am scheduled for three Masses that day: two at outstations and one in the main church.

Fr. Yohana was planning on staying in the area for a bit of a vacation. Fr. Paul would accompany Fr. Maciej, Fr. Philip and me back to the parishes. He is scheduled to visit with those in Butiama for the first week and then with those in Buhemba in the second week. Then, Fr. Andrzej will drive north to pick up Fr. Paul and bring him back to Morogoro where he will stay for two weeks before returning to Rome.

We had a cake to mark the 20th anniversary of our mission in Tanzania. Selestine presents the cake! Leonsi is in the background with some champagne.

There was also a cake to mark the vow celebration of Vitalis and Joseph.

Jerome, who is in his last year of philosophy studies, presented the cake to commemorate the vows of Joseph and Vitalis. Benedicto is in the background with some champagne.

When they put candles on a cake in Tanzania, they REALLY do it in a big way!

Fr. Philip and I were supposed to open some champagne. They have a tradition of shaking it up “real good” before opening it. I have learned to point it away!

I realize that I am a rookie at this. I needed to watch the master, Fr. Maciej, in order to see how it is really done! Watch out Fr. Daniel and Fr. Jacek!

There was singing, dancing and gift giving that followed.

Finally, it was time to eat. The food was great and there was plenty for everyone.

It was a great day, and we thank God for all God’s blessings upon Joseph and Vitalis on this day and all the days of their religious life.

And now off to our long journey home. We had a more than capable driver and we made sure that Fr. Paul had the best seat.

More to come on

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