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Second Sunday of Advent

December 8


“We believe that Mary is our model for all that we are called to be and do as Resurrectionists.” (Charism Statement)



Fr. Josef Zabowka, 2020 Lomianki, Poland


First Vows:

Fr. Henry Ruszel, 1946, USA
Br. Nucinaldo Bezerra de Arruda, 2011, Final Sept. 8, 2017 Brazil
Fr. Jose Flavio Sotero Barbosa, 2011, Brazil
Fr. Ricardo Michelin de Souza, 2015, Brazil
Cl. Lucas Freitas da Cruz, 2019, Brazil
Cl. Diogo Sousa Dos Santos, 2021, Brazil
Cl. Gabriel Melore Ramos Bastos, 2022, Brazil
Cl. Tiago Dos Santos Teixeira, 2022, Brazil



Fr. Joseph Chacha, 2022, Tanzania
Fr. Vitalis Masika, 2022, Tanzania


  1. For God’s blessings upon the Congregation through the intercession of Mary.
  2. For fidelity to our vows, and the charism and mission of the Congregation.
  3. For all deceased Resurrectionists and Apostles of the Resurrection.



“The weakening of faith and religious practice in some societies has an effect on families, leaving them more isolated amid their difficulties.” (Amoris Laetitia, 43)


December 8
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