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St. Cyril & St. Methodius

February 14, 2026


“That just as Christ’s primary concerns were to be completely dedicated to performing the will of His Father and loving service for His brothers and sisters, so also will these be the animating principles of our consecrated life.” (Con. 7)



Fr. John Ratajczak, 1952, Chicago, USA



Fr. Jozef Laniak, 1947, Poland
Cl. Brayan Edward Gigo, 1994, Tanzania
Cl. Emmanuel Ntula, 1987, Tanzania


  1. For our country, for civil rulers on the local and national level, for justice and peace.
  2. For the jobless, the homeless, the poor and the hungry.
  3. In thanksgiving for the service to the Church which Saints Cyril and Methodius model for us.



“If the resurrection of Christ is our greatest certainty and our most precious treasure, how can we not run to proclaim it to others.” (Address by Pope Francis to General Chapter, 2017, 2)


February 14, 2026
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