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February 19

February 19, 2026


She [Mary] is the model of what salvation is for each of us. In Her Immaculate Conception, She is freed from sin. As the Mother of Sorrows, She shared in the sufferings of Her Son. In Her Assumption, She was raised up to share in the risen life of Jesus.” (Con. 8)



Fr. Stanley Gembala 1984, Chicago, USA
Fr. Joseph Gluchowski, 1997, Des Plains, USA



Fr. Edward Zakowicz, 1994, Poland


  1. For our deceased members and benefactors, for all the faithful departed, and for the one who will die first among us.
  2. For a deeper understanding of the Paschal Mystery.
  3. For our benefactors: in thanksgiving for their continued generosity to the Congregation.



“Consider the elements of the Paschal Mystery: (1) dying is necessary as a condition for rising; (2) the new life that ensues is far more lovely than the dying has been; and (3) the new life could not possibly have been expected. Otherwise, the dying would not have been so hard and so deeply resisted.” (New Horizons of Hope, 2)


February 19, 2026
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