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Presentation of the Lord & World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life

February 2


“In response to His call, we have freely chosen to enter the Congregation of the Resurrection. In the Congregation, through the profession of vows of chastity, poverty and obedience, we propose to deepen out baptismal covenant by a life-long commitment to the love and service of our Risen Saviour.” (Con. 3)



Br. Piotr Marczak, 1888, Rome, Italy
Fr. Anselm Babski, 1925, Chicago, USA
Fr. Stanislaw Owczarczyk, 1934, Rome, Italy
Fr. Clarence Clark, 1978, Hamilton, Bermuda



Fr. Henryk Karbowiak, 1944, Poland
Cl. Diogo Sousa Dos Santos, 2002, Brazil


First Vows:

Fr. Zbigniew Kozielec, 1958, Poland
Fr. Bronislaw Zaranski, 1959, Poland
Fr. Luciano Piotrowski, 1983, Poland
Fr. Evandro Miranda Rosa, 1996, Brazil
Fr. Marcio Correa Mendes, 2002, Brazil
Fr. Alexandre Lopes Alessio, 2003, Brazil
Fr. Diodilo Antoni da Costa Filho, 2003, Brazil
Fr. Edson Siqueira da Silva, 2005, Brazil
Fr. Fabio de Siqueira Fonseca, 2007, Brazil
Fr. Andre Malta Martins, 2010, Brazil


  1. For our Congregation and our superiors, especially our local superior.
  2. For pastors, administrators and counsellors.
  3. For all consecrated religious.



“Living the vows is a paschal experience, a conversion experience, because the religious has freely chosen to renounce one way of living the Christian life in order to live another that expresses faith, hope and love more immediately and more strongly.” (Resurrectionist Formation, 122)



February 2
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