“With a constant sense of gratitude, we strive to promote the welfare of the Congregation by the conscientious fulfillment of our work and by our loyalty to one another, always remaining faithful to the ideals of the Community.” (Con. 10)
Fr. Leander Schwan, 1980, Kitchener, Canada
Fr. Zygmund Tkaczyk, 1987, Debki, Poland
Fr. Jan Solak, 2020, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Br. Edward Hohenadel, 1946, Canada
Fr. Radoslaw Glimasinski, 1970, Poland
Fr. Luciano Piotrowski, 1989, Poland
“The Lord sends us out, not as individuals alone, but as a community, to bear witness, to heal and raise up, and to announce the kingdom of God.” (Witnesses to the Resurrection, 2)