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St. Mary Magdalene

July 22


“’Go and tell them I am Risen’ is the motto of the Apostles of the Resurrection. With these words the Risen Jesus sends Mary Magdalene to announce His resurrection to the Apostles – this is why Mary Magdalene is called ‘the Apostle to the Apostles’. … This is why St. Mary Magdalene is our patron saint, and why one of our feast days is July 22 – the Feast of St. Mary Magdalene.” (Apostles of the Resurrection Handbook, 7)



Fr. Andrew Mikosz, 1943, Chicago, USA
Fr. Aleksander Kusik, 1981, Poznan, Poland


  1. For the Apostles of the Resurrection, may they, like Mary Magdalene, proclaim Christ Risen to the world.
  2. In thanksgiving for St. Mary Magdalene, Disciple of the Lord, the first to announce the Resurrection of the Lord to the world.
  3. For all the deceased, may the gift of the Resurrection be theirs.



“I would propose to you as an icon Mary Magdalene, the apostle to the apostles.” (Address by Pope Francis to General Chapter 2017, 1)


July 22
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