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St. Ignatius of Loyola

July 31


“The Provincial Superior and his Council will coordinate, direct and stimulate the internal and external apostolate of the entire Province through close contact with the individual religious and the local communities.” (Con. 121)



Cl. Franciszek Ofierzynski, 1895, Koscian, Poland
Fr. Boguslaw Borzyszkowski, 2019, Puck, Poland


  1. For the grace to imitate our Founders and for fidelity to our charism.
  2. For vocations to the Congregation of the Resurrection.
  3. For the Society of Jesus as they celebrate their founder, St. Ignatius of Loyola.



“The Apostles of the Resurrection share in the spirituality, Charism and Mission of the Congregation of the Resurrection by living them out wherever God has placed them in life – in families, among friends, at school, at work, or in their own parish.” (Apostles of the Resurrection Handbook, 7 – 8)


July 31
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