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Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and Companions

July 9


“A frequent encounter with the Risen Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation forms an essential part of our liturgical prayer because it is here that we acknowledge our complete dependence on Him and receive the power to die to sin and to become conformed to Him. This Sacrament also effects reconciliation between ourselves and the Church.” (Con. 58)


Fr. Michael Yohana Henrico Kachwele, 2022, Tanzania

  1. For our parents and benefactors, living and deceased.
  2. For the people of China as they honour Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his companions on this day.
  3. For the needs of the Church and the Congregation of the Resurrection.


“In the consecrated life … there is a need for fidelity to the founding charism and subsequent spiritual heritage of each institute.” (Vita Consecrata, 36)


July 9
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