September 7

FOCAL POINT: “Trust, dialogue and communication are of the utmost importance to exercising this freedom. Freedom exercised in this responsible manner will enhance the quality of obedience as the religious grows from a more external submission to authority to a healthier sense of co-responsibility for the work and well-being of the Congregation.” (Con. 156)   […]

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

FOCAL POINT: “Let there be unity of heart and mind between a religious and those in authority. This union implies a common responsibility for the present and future good of the Congregation.” (Con. 157)   Deceased: Fr. Walter Mikosz, 1965, Montgomery, USA Fr. Joseph Siemiaszko, 1993, Chicago, USA   Birthday: Fr. Tadeusz Nosal, 1944, Poland […]

St. Peter Claver

FOCAL POINT: “Let there be unity of heart and mind between a religious and those in authority. This union implies a common responsibility for the present and future good of the Congregation. Unity promotes the exercise of fraternal correction and prevents fear and human respect from deterring a religious from sharing with his brother and, […]

September 10

FOCAL POINT: “A religious will make the greatest progress in personal growth where there is trust and respect among all the members. This trust and respect is strengthened by encouragement and acceptance and is motivated by truth and charity. Love flowing from truth will be the predominant force of the entire formation process.” (Con. 158) […]

September 11

FOCAL POINT: “The goal of the post-Novitiate formation is the personal development of the whole man: to help him grow in Christian maturity by becoming more aware of his sinfulness and Gods’ manifest love, to help him deepen his vowed commitment to the Risen Christ, to help him adapt his personal life in order to […]

The Most Holy Name of Mary

FOCAL POINT: “Spiritual formation continues along the lines laid out in the Novitiate program: a deepening awareness of the life and works of the Founders, a growing union with the Risen Christ through prayer and the exercise of fraternal charity in living the common life in simplicity, and an increasingly self-disciplined life based on the […]

St. John Chrysostom

FOCAL POINT: “Doctrinal formation continues through growth in the personal assimilation of the mysteries of faith and in the ability to communicate these mysteries in terms understandable to the culture and the times.” (Con. 164)   Deceased: Fr. Aloysius Orzechowski, 1998, Chicago, USA   For our parents, relatives, friends and benefactors, and for those who […]

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross

FOCAL POINT: “The ministry of a brother embraces all the areas of the apostolic work of the Congregation except those which require Holy Orders.” (Con. 167)   Deceased: Fr. Henry Gryczman, 1935, Chicago, USA   For the grace to imitate our Founders, and for fidelity to our charism and mission. For the courage and hope […]

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

FOCAL POINT: “Those responsible for formation should be mature religious adequately prepared for these offices and filled with the spirit of the Church and the Charism of our Congregation.” (Con. 168)   Bishop Ordination: Bishop Robert Kurtz, 1995, Bermuda   Ordination: Fr. Henry Licznerski, 1992, USA   First Vows: Fr. Marian Szablewski, 1959, Poland Fr. […]

Sts. Cornelius and Cyprian

FOCAL POINT: “Those responsible for formation will be careful to respect the human dignity and the special divine vocation of persons entrusted to their care. In guiding the growth and development of the individual, Formators will take into account his natural and supernatural endowments, as well as, interests and inclinations, so as to enable the […]

Sts. Hildegard of Bingen and Robert Bellarmine

FOCAL POINT: “In order to meet these demands , the religious have an obligation to foster their own spiritual and professional growth by spiritual direction, personal reading, private study and attendance at seminars, workshops and other study programs.” (Con. 172)   Deceased: Fr. Peter Graf, 1960, Sudbury, Canada Fr. Jerome Kroetsch, 2012, Kitchener, Canada   […]

September 18

FOCAL POINT: “Each member is charged with the serious obligation and responsibility of fostering and developing vocations for the Congregation.” (Con. 171)   Deceased: Fr. Piotr Athanasov, 1894, Adrianople, Bulgaria   For fidelity to our religious vows and for the spirit of the resurrection. For those who have left the Congregation. For deceased benefactors, in […]