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March 1 & World Day of Prayer

March 1


“As members of the Congregation of the Resurrection we regard as the supreme rule of our lives the following of Christ, whom the Gospel presents as poor, chaste and obedient.” (Con. 12)



Br. Francesco di Norma, 1898, Rome, Italy


  1. That we may seek to know Christ and the power flowing from his resurrection; likewise, to know how to share in his sufferings by being formed in the pattern of his death.
  2. For those we promised to pray for.
  3. For our benefactors – living and deceased.
  4. That on this annual World Day of Prayer we may pause and pray earnestly for all ecumenical efforts.



“The Risen Christ remains the first formator for men called to the Congregation of the Resurrection.” (Witnesses to the Resurrection, 7)



March 1
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