The Congregation of the Resurrection, dedicated to Mary, proclaims and provides devotion to Her.
Fr. Stanislaw Grycz, 1928, Vienna, Austria
Fr. James Gibson, 1975, USA
Fr. Jan Soroka, 1962, Poland
Fr. Andrzej Duda, 1990, Poland
Fr. Czeslaw Kaszubowski, 1990, Poland
Fr. Romuald Poltorak, 1990, Poland
Fr. Marek Ptak, 1990, Poland
Fr. Dariusz Schutzki, 1990, Poland
Fr. Paulo Solak, 1990, Poland
Bp. Wieslaw Spiewak, 1990, Poland
Fr. Dariusz Juliusz Teodorowski, 1990, Poland
“Recognizing the signs of the times, [we] ought to be open to the needs for new forms of evangelization in our parishes.” (Witnesses to the Resurrection, 11)