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St. Callistus

October 14


“It is also important that the religious pray for unity, dialogue on differences and cooperate in common concerns. In this way, they can extend their love to all and give witness to Christ.” (Con. 197)



Fr. Charles Kiefer, 1936, Stratford, Canada
Fr. Stephen Bies, 1979, Chicago, USA
Fr. Wladyslaw Jarzab, 2000, Neuhaus, Germany


  1. That we may imitate the example of our Founders and for the spirit of the resurrection.
  2. For the deceased members of the Congregation of the Resurrection.
  3. For the example of martyrdom for the faith which St. Callistus modeled for us.



“Sister, Mother earth, … cries out to us because of the harm we have inflicted on her by our irresponsible use and abuse of the goods with which God has endowed her.” (Laudato Si’, 2)


October 14
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