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St. Marguerite D’Youville – World Food Day

October 16


“Religious working among people of nationalities other than their own are strongly exhorted to acquire a thorough knowledge of the language, culture and customs of the people they serve as well as their own. This knowledge will enable them to render greater service to the people of God, to witness more effectively for Christ and to insure their own greater self-fulfillment.” (Con. 200)



Fr. Claude Straus, 1958, Kitchener, Canada


  1. For the conversion of sinners, and for all in affliction, temptation and agony.
  2. On this “World Food Day” the Church invites us to deepen our care, concern and assistance for those who are deprived of the food necessary for health and survival.
  3. In thanksgiving for the example Saint Marguerite D’Youville modeled for us in her care for the poor.



“The urgent challenge to protect our common home includes a concern to bring the whole human family together to seek a sustainable and integral development for we know that things can change.” (Laudato Si’, 13)


October 16
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